I'm at a cross road in my life right now. In terms of work that is. I don't really know what to do.. in the sense of my current job.
Should I stay here, or should I move on? I have been here for 5 years now. I sometimes feel like I have learnt all that I can learn from here. And I think the constant office politics, back stabbing, favoritism, double standards, unnecessary conflicts and having a boss who isn't very supportive, who makes promises he doesn't keep and who isn't loyal have really worn me down. Sometimes enough is enough I think!
Yet I am still here. I think I have become too comfortable. Sometimes I think that I am afraid to venture out into the unknown. And the money is good. The basic is crap but the commissions (which I have to work hard for) is good.
I don't know. I'm trying to figure things out. I have been scanning the job ads but so far haven't found anything that interests me. I was offered a job in January by a competitor company.. I was really tempted. The culture at the place, the passionate sharing from a friend who has worked there for 2 years on what a great place it is to work at, and the hour long conversation with the boss who I took an instant liking too was a pull factor. The location and salary wasn't.
Right now I am trusting in God to help me make a decision. If this is where he wants me to remain, then remain I will. But if He has other plans for me, I really want to know. I'm praying for an answer and guidance from Him.
There are a few more months left to this year. I am going to be 31 years old soon. I need a change in my life. I need a proper direction. And I need some assurance.
Send me a clear sign Lord!
Is Ozempic, Saxenda, Wegovy right for you?
7 months ago
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