Monday, November 29, 2010

God and Prayer

I read someones blog today about prayer and it made me think about my own prayer life. I havent been to church the whole of November... first because I was sick and then just pure laziness!

But more than works, I realise that I have not been spending much time in prayer. An area of life that needs to be habitual rather than scheduled.

Prayer helps put things into perspective. It makes me less selfish because beyond praying for myself, there are a lot more people out there to pray for! Prayer helps bring peace to my heart because after letting it all out and leaving it at God's feet, I know that no matter the circumstances or what I see or feel, I know that with God all things are possible and every problem, trial, illness, is taken care of by Him.

I'm glad that I was led to that blog. It's a message to me.

What I'll be praying for the next one month:

A. Good Health and healing - for my loved ones and myself who are struggling in this area.
B. Finances - for a couple of friends who are struggling financially.
C. Malaysia - for our leaders and citizens - for an end to corruption and disunity
D. Business growth and success
E. Love and grace

May all your prayer lives be fruitful and growing.

God Bless

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What is it?

A dear friend sent me an email today. This is a part of what she wrote :

Hey Michelle
I was spending some time praying. And while i was praying for you, i had this picture that came to me for you. There is a very big strong root in ur life. Its like u know this root that is causing so much of problem in ur life. I dont know. And He wants you to ask Him to help u remove it from ur life. Cos this root is very deeply rooted in ur life. and there are small root from the big root starting to take control of ur life. He want you to ask him to remove it from ur life. .

What is the root? I don't know. But I do know that I have been feeling very overwhelmed and suffocated and over my head. I have felt the need to escape- away from everyone and everything. I guess I need to spend time in prayer and ask God to reveal to me what this root is. And learn to let go and leave it all in His hands.

Lord Jesus, I pray for a revelation from you and that my eyes will be opened. Whatever it is that is causing me to be held back and is taking control of my life, I speak against it and I ask You Lord to remove it from my life. Amen

Thursday, September 2, 2010


I'm at a cross road in my life right now. In terms of work that is. I don't really know what to do.. in the sense of my current job.

Should I stay here, or should I move on? I have been here for 5 years now. I sometimes feel like I have learnt all that I can learn from here. And I think the constant office politics, back stabbing, favoritism, double standards, unnecessary conflicts and having a boss who isn't very supportive, who makes promises he doesn't keep and who isn't loyal have really worn me down. Sometimes enough is enough I think!

Yet I am still here. I think I have become too comfortable. Sometimes I think that I am afraid to venture out into the unknown. And the money is good. The basic is crap but the commissions (which I have to work hard for) is good.

I don't know. I'm trying to figure things out. I have been scanning the job ads but so far haven't found anything that interests me. I was offered a job in January by a competitor company.. I was really tempted. The culture at the place, the passionate sharing from a friend who has worked there for 2 years on what a great place it is to work at, and the hour long conversation with the boss who I took an instant liking too was a pull factor. The location and salary wasn't.

Right now I am trusting in God to help me make a decision. If this is where he wants me to remain, then remain I will. But if He has other plans for me, I really want to know. I'm praying for an answer and guidance from Him.

There are a few more months left to this year. I am going to be 31 years old soon. I need a change in my life. I need a proper direction. And I need some assurance.

Send me a clear sign Lord!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Fitness first subang jaya

For those of you who don't know, fitness first subang finally opened at empire gallery mid may after a 2 month delay. I thought I would blog about my thoughts about the new gym.

Venue: love it! So much better than wisma consplant in the sense that parking is more convenient and there are tons of shops around.

The gym: I like the the open space they created for us to do our floor exercises and stuff. At wisma consplant there was no designated area so we had to do this near the machines which was cramped and uncomfortable. Also love the new rpm room (though I don't plan on going for an rpm class anytime soon!)
i'm not too comfortable with the machines though. I think this happens in any gym. You can get lost trying to figure out how to use the machines without looking like a fool around the numerous hunky guys around :) but to be fair, I haven't really spent time here yet so I can't say much.
I like the drink bar and lounge area. Definitely a lot more space than before and it's comfortable.
The equipment: hmmmm... Well when we first joined we were told that the new gym would be equipped with 100% brand new machines and equipment. So we were quite surprised to see about 50% of the equipment being recycled. Now I don't have a problem with using the old stuff but why mislead us?
The pool: another area where members were mislead. We were told that the pool was going to be a heated pool! That got us all excited thinking that after a nice workout, we can go soak and relax our muscles in the heated pool. But guess what? It turned out to be a normal swimming pool. Hmmm I wonder what happened to the heated part of it ? Oh well I'm glad they have a pool anyway because I love swimming and especially now that my back is acting up again, I can swim for exercise.

The staff: they are great! I like how they remember you and are always ready with a smile. Even louis the general manager (who I just found out has left) was regularly on the floor and always greeting us and actually remembered stuff we talked about. I like that! The personal trainers all seem to know their stuff. Some or rather a couple scare the hell out of me though. They look like they could crush me with one arm! :) their arms are bigger than my face!!!!

All in all I'm happy at FF. Definitely a hundred times better than experience at true fitness! Keep up the good work guys!

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Someone dear to my heart told me yesterday that reading my blog made her cry because I constantly insulted and put myself down. That really was a surprise to me because I didn't realise that I did that.

She also challenged me to sit down and list down the things I like about myself or the things that I have accomplished. Now, that is hard. But I wanted to try it. So here goes :

a. I like my eyes. More so because that was one of the things that attracted my husband to me :-)

b. I am proud to have achieved the success that I have in my career.

c. I am proud that I have been able to bless others.

d. I am proud to be the wife of Ivan Tang.

e. Most importantly, I am proud to be chosen as a child of God.

I can't think of anything else at the moment. But I do know that everything above is not me, but God. I have achieved what I have because of HIM and HIM only.

So anyway, here is to being more positive and becoming an example and inspiration to others.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Why I Like it Longer!

Having battled with weight issues for years, it has always been a struggle. I'm sure some of you can relate. My blog for one, says it all! All of us at some point in our lives, look up to celebrities and models, especially when it comes to looking good and feeling good.

Will i ever look like her? Am I beautiful? As we face the constant pressure of being like them, we still can't help but feel like it may never happen.

I need to be inspired to dig deep down inside of me as i search for the "Supermodel" in me and with the LG Chocolate BL40 phone, i would be taking a step towards achieving my goal! The LG Chocolate BL40 phone will be my sexy companion, inspiring me to dig deeper and keep going to be just like it - sleek and elegant. Nuffnang ~ The cards are in your hands; so help me, this Chocolate gal discover the Supermodel in me!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!

2010 is here! The last year passed by in a blink of an eye. Everything seems like it happened just a short while ago.

I had a wonderful Christmas and New Year with family. Met my sisters best friend from Thailand who is a lovely person - and anyone who can get along with my family is definitely crazy and fantastic!! :-)

As this year begins, I have decided not to reflect on the last year because i will just feel down with regrets. So here is to starting off this year on a positive note and working to achieve all my goals with a whole lot of discipline, perseverance, a positive attitude, and most of all, with the Good Lords help!

Blessed New Year everyone!