There are two types of cholesterol, good cholesterol (HDL) and bad cholesterol (LDL).
HDL cholesterol is good because it helps to remove cholesterol from the walls of the artery and dispose of them thru the liver.
LDL cholesterol is bad because it deposits cholesterol on the artery walls, causing the formation of a hard, thick substance called cholesterol plaque. Over time, cholesterol plaque causes thickening of the artery walls and narrowing of the arteries, a process called atherosclerosis.
Low levels of LDL cholesterol and high level of HDL cholesterol (low LDL/HDL ratios) are desirable.
Most overweight or obese people have high cholesterol. I should know! It is important for us to get our LDL levels down and increase our HDL level because this will help by :
* Reducing or stopping the formation of new cholesterol plaques on the artery walls;
* Reducing existing cholesterol plaques on the artery walls;
* Widening narrowed arteries;
* Preventing the rupture of cholesterol plaques, which initiates blood clot
* Decreasing the risk of heart attacks; and
* Decreasing the risk of strokes. The same measures that retard atherosclerosis in
coronary arteries also benefit the carotid and cerebral arteries (arteries that
deliver blood to the brain).
(taken from
So what do we need to do?
First - Go get a lipid profile test done. You need to know what your numbers are so you can work on fixing it
Next - Eliminate high fat foods and eat oats for breakfast everyday
AND - Exercise! Get at least 30 minutes of walking done everyday. It will make the difference
High fat foods to be avoided or reduced significantly
Red meat - This includes pork, beef and lamb
Seafood - This includes squid (sotong), prawns, crabs and cod fish.
Sweet desserts
Foods high in refine sugars or carbohydrates
Good food to eat
White meat - Chicken (without the skin!), turkey, fresh water fish
Anything with low saturated fat
And don't forget, drink lots of water!!
Here is to all of us getting our GOOD cholesterol UP and BAD cholesterol DOWN!
Good Luck :-)
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7 months ago
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