It was an interesting day today.
I was at the Curve by about 8.15am. There was already about 15 people in front of me. The whole thing felt a little surreal to me. Seeing the biggest loser posters all over and all the crew running around getting prepared. I watched as more and more big people started to show up.
It was a good thing I got there early! Within the next hour, the numbers increased rapidly and the line got longer and longer.
I met some interesting people and it was nice getting to know them and share our experiences together.
I met up with Melkoo from the support group. It was nice to finally meet her. I saw Simran in line about an hour later but I wasn't sure if I would lose my place in line if I left to go over and talk to her so I didn't. But I bumped into her on my way out after the audition.
So anyway, I spent a few hours there. We waited until 10am before it started going. The first batch of 10 were sent in. I was in the 2nd batch. We went in, registered, had our picture taken and then sat around talking for awhile. Then we were sent upstairs where we took turns getting our height, weight and blood pressure taken.
They had a small buffet line set up for us and they kept encouraging us to eat. On more than half of the table there was lasagna, potato wedges, mee hoon, sausages, etc. On the other side was fresh vegetables, bananas and some other fruits. They had water and milk.
It was tempting but I resisted. After the weighing, I grabbed a banana (I hadnt eaten any breakfast!). After that we hung around waiting as they took people out 2 by 2 to go for the audition.
Finally it was my turn to go wait in line. One of the production guys asked a few of us if we had family with us. I had mine so he asked me to call them up. My hubby and my mum were with me. Then they got Sarimah to do a short interview with us!
Soon it was my turn to go into the room. Boy was I nervous. They asked me a few simple questions like my name, age, job, my favorite foods, why should I be chosen for the show, what would I do with the money if I won and something else I cant remember. I was pretty nervous and stumbled over my answers a bit.. :-(
Anyway, that was it. A long wait but a quick audition. There were about 200 people who showed up. The sad thing is only 2 people from Malaysia will be chosen to join the show. I know I didn't get through though cause I didn't get a call back but then I knew from the start not to expect much because only 2 people were going to be selected.
Anyway, it was a fun experience and thanks to DM for coming to support us there!! And of course thanks to my dear hubby and mum for waiting there with me for those few hours!

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