Everyone knows how important it is to set goals and targets to achieve anything you want to achieve in life; whether it is XXX amount of sales brought in, XXX amount of kgs to lose, XXX amount of money to save, etc.
I have struggled with goals and targets my whole life. I do the yearly New Year resolutions list with all the goals I want to achieve in life; but rarely do I achieve them.
This year, I set the following goals
1. Lose weight and get fit - to reach 70kg
2. Clean out my guest room turned store room (DONE!)
3. Clear off all my debts
4. Build the company I work with to greater heights
5. Get closer to God and spend more time reading the Bible and in prayer
So looking at the above, I have only done 1 out of 5. I'm still working on the rest or rather struggling with the rest. I hope to get at least 1 more completed before the end of the year.
Is Ozempic, Saxenda, Wegovy right for you?
7 months ago
Bizarrely, I wrote about the same thing yesterday on my blog (which Blogger inexplicably won't let me link to)! Regarding the weight thing, I think its key to set short-term, achievable targets - the big goal is big and scary and hard to work towards!!
You cleaned out a room, gasp! Well done. I think Armand is right, set shotr term targets, say 2,3 or 4 kilos loss in 2 weeks.
haha.. yes aunty ann.... cleaning out a room is a big achievement for me the hater of housework :-)
thanks to both of u for the advise
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