I am on a low calorie diet at the moment; which according to the source, should not be done for long periods. It is not the best of diets, but because I can't exercise, I need this to help me lose some kgs.
The good thing about this diet is that I can have a scoop of ice cream as dessert after dinner, so I don't feel so deprived.
Last week I did it for 3 days and this week I am doing it for 5 days. After which, I will go back to regular foods, but I will have to ensure that I don't overeat after that.
There are so many diets out there, so many fad diets, all promising quick weight loss; but of course those are just short term. In the end, each of us have to change our eating habits permanently and not just do it one off.
Eating healthy is a lifestyle and I am still learning how to do that.
It isn't easy - it really isn't. So the best thing to do is to make small adjustments at a time and bit by bit, slowly but surely, I will make it
Here is to eating healthy!
Is Ozempic, Saxenda, Wegovy right for you?
7 months ago
You CAN do IT Mich :) xo Stay strong
its been 32 days since i hd my last rice. :) I dont see any result yet other than 1kg i lost in the 1st 2 weeks.
Now im still banned rice and noodles too.
Say no to fried food,fast food,cakes,. Wait until 1 month if the any changes.
Yes,eat healthy should be our lifestyle.Not just a method to lose weight.
Keep it up girl
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