So i got myself into a spot again last week. After work on Friday, I changed into my bootcamp clothes and was happily walking to the car where my hubby was waiting for me when a girl accidentally knocked into me (while i was just going down the stairs). I of course lost my balance and went flying together with all the bags in my hands.
I couldnt move. My foot was in so much pain I saw stars. Some people came to help while the stupid ass girl who knocked me down stood there with her friend saying over and over again: "Im sorry, can I help, im sorry, can I help".. Help already you idiot!!!
Anyway to cut a long story short, xrays at SJMC showed that I had a torn ligament in my ankle. Was admitted for one night. Since I couldnt move, I had to use the bed pan throughout the night which was the most humiliating thing ever!
Anyway, am now at my moms place since stairs are out for me. I am so bored!
My highlight of the past few days : helping my family put up the Christmas tree and decor at my moms place. My hubby put me in a rolling chair so I could roll around the tree hanging up ornaments :-)
Anyway, no OBC for a couple of months some people say. I was hoping to rejoin the Dec intake but looks like i am going to have to put that off for a bit longer.
So with no chance of exercising, how do I lose weight before Christmas?
I am counting calories now and trying to be a good girl and resist temptations. Other than that, tried doing some sit ups on the bed but without both feet to support me, thats a bit hard. Still trying to work that out. And will be doing arm exercises so that at least one part of my body gets a bit of exercise.
Hope the pain reduces immensely soon so that I can at least go for walks! Will be on MC until Monday. I'm actually looking forward to going back to work. If I was off from work and could do whatever I want, now that would be a different story all together!!
Have a good day people!
Is Ozempic, Saxenda, Wegovy right for you?
7 months ago
1 comment:
It's all in the diet geets - I barely lost any weight through exercise to begin with - go for it, you can do it! Sorry to hear about your injury, that really sucks.
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